
Showing posts from October, 2022

Halloween Photoshop Tutorial

 Before  After

Day of the Dead Mask

 Before After

Magazine Cover. Incredible Edible Egg

  What is the name of your magazine? What type of magazine is it? Who is your target audience? What artistic choices did you make to capture the attention of your target audience? Include the color scheme you used. Name of my magazine is "The Story of  Egg" and it's  a Time magazine. My target audience  is  everyone   because  this magazine illustrates the  story behind  the president of the US, Abhi Sherma Verma. I made the egg pop out by using a white background  and turning  it into the center of attention   fro the  magazine. What were your challenges that faced you as you worked through this process? How did you deal with these challenges? How did our feedback sessions help your decisions? Be specific. Some   challenges I   dealed  with was making the actual time template for the magazine and making the egg clearer . I dealed with this problem by finding a time template on google and using an  onli...

Weekly Photography Challenge -Shadow Photography


Top 5 Egg Photos


Sepia Photoshop Tutorial

 Before  After

Arctic Swell and Ted talk - Film Review

 Chris Burkard, a photographer, and the professional surfers Patrick Millin, Brett Barley, and Chadd Konig face subzero temperatures in the Arctic Circle to capture moments of unadulterated beauty. The wind and the freezing waters take a toll on their bodies and minds, but the adventure, wonder, and self-awareness they experience as a result inspires them to push surfing to its limits. This was really lovely. He is very dedicated to what he does, and what he said about photography there—"It doesn't have to be the ideal shot, it just has to make you feel like you've actually given away something, like a piece of yourself to obtain that shot"—shows how passionate he is about his craft. That's accurate. And it's really lovely. I cannot even imagine what it must be like to go out there in water that is like 40 degrees and just so that, but it's so, so beautiful. The surfers did an absolutely great job.

5 Terms. Weekly Vocabulary

  1. Histogram  Is a graph that displays all of the various tones of an image, on a scale from pure white to pure black.  2. Focal Length Is  an optical system is a measure of how strongly the system converges or diverges light; it is the inverse of the system's optical power.  3. Interchangeable lenses Lenses that can be mounted on a camera and swapped out for other lenses. Unlike fixed lenses, which are built into (mostly compact) cameras, interchangeable lenses provide the user with a wider choice of image-capture capabilities. 4. Megabyte  Megabyte refers to a unit of measurement used to describe the size of a digital file. One megabyte is comprised of 1,024,000 bytes, or 1,024 kilobytes of digital information. 5.Gigabyte One gigabyte equals approximately one billion bytes of stored data (photos, video, words, art, etc.) 

Photographic techniques and composition

   Deep Medium Shadow Texture Long Distance Medium Distance Close-Up Rythm Repetition of shapes Unusual Angles Worms Eye Birds Eye Framing Leading Lines Formal Balance Informal Balance Rule Of Thirds Filled the frame Visual Center of Interest

Artist of the Week- Chris Burkard

  1. How is the technical quality?  The technical quality  of the image  is very sharp and clear. This is probably my favorite  photographer as of now since his nature pictures are very clean and well taken. The lighting in each image can't  get any better and it fits the image very well. The shadows  in the image also have a lot of effect  on the image  quality. 2. How’s the composition?  In each image the colors on the shots are very balanced and clear. And the point of view of where the picture is taken is in the correct spot because he uses the sun light and other things around him and implants it into his shot to make it 10* better looking.  3. Does the photographer tell a story?  When I first look at his pictures it shows me how beautiful nature is and how exciting it can be exploring the earth and its crazy places. His pictures make me wanna visit all these places and recreate them. He is showing all ...

3 Projects/ Coke Can
