
Showing posts from February, 2023



LS, MS, and CU


Artist of the Week - Peter Beard

1.)  How is the  technical  quality?  The technical quality of Peter Beard's photography is generally considered to be excellent. He was known for his mastery of composition, lighting, and use of color.  2.)  How’s the  composition?   Beard was also known for his unique and unconventional compositions, which often combined photographs with other elements such as collages, drawings, and diary entries. His approach to composition was highly original and experimental.  3.)   Does the photographer  tell a story ?  Peter Beard's photography often tells a story, as he was particularly interested in documenting the natural world and the relationship between humans and the environment. His work often dealt with issues such as conservation, animal rights, and the impact of human activity on wildlife.  4.) What do you find interesting about his work?  He was not afraid to experiment and push the boundaries of traditional p...

Metadata - - Light Painting

  Aperture- F stop - f22 Shutter Speed - 5 sec ISO-  ISO-100 Aperture- F stop - f22 Shutter Speed - 5 sec ISO-  ISO-100 Aperture- F stop - f22 Shutter Speed - 5 sec ISO-  ISO-100 Aperture- F stop - f22 Shutter Speed - 5 sec ISO-  ISO-100

Light Painting - In class


Cal High 50th Anniversary Collage


Top 3 Path and Pen -Wrap

Iron Man  After Before Superman After Before Spiderman After Before

Weekly Vocabulary

A wide-angle lens is a type of camera lens that has a shorter focal length and a wider field of view compared to a standard lens. This makes it useful for capturing expansive landscapes, large groups of people, and interiors. Reciprocity in photography refers to the relationship between the amount of light entering a camera and the exposure time needed to produce a correct exposure. With traditional film cameras, this relationship was straightforward, but with digital cameras and some types of film, the relationship can become more complex and may require adjustments to account for reciprocity failure. Open shutter photography is a technique where the camera's shutter is left open for an extended period of time, typically several minutes or more, to allow for the accumulation of light over time. This can produce unique and often ethereal images, particularly when used in low-light or nighttime scenes. Long exposure photography is a type of photography that involves using a slow shu...

Path and Pen tool - WRAP


Artist of the Week- Jan Leonardo

  1 . Jan Leonardo 's work features strong , geometric compositions that emphasize the inter play of light , color , and texture . 2 . Jan Leonardo 's work is notable for its vibrant , saturated colors and careful attention to light and shadow . His use of bold shapes and lines creates dynamic visual interest and movement . 3 . The technical quality of Jan Leonardo 's work is very high , with precise attention paid to detail , line , and texture . He often incorporates intricate patterns and textures into his work , which help to give the pieces a unique and impressive visual impact .