Print vs Digital Photography
Print Photography
- Higher Resolution and Lower costs
- Doesn't Require the use of electricity
- Can bring photos to life
- Last a long time
- Increase Photography Skills
- Analog (Very noisy)
- You will need a lot of film tape and they tend to take up lots of space
- Can be lost ( Only 1 copy printed )
- Takes more time to develop
- Costs more money
Digital Photography
- Video Camera
- Easy Editing
- Multiple Functions
- Easy to Share
- Large amounts of storage space for photos
- Digital Phots tend to loose detail in black and whites
- The price for a digital camera is usually more expansive then a general film camera
- Digital photo need the user to know computer skills to manage and edit photos
- You have to replace expansive equipment
- They have a higher initial cost
What are the pros and cons of digital photography? | Photo Expressionist
Print vs. Digital Photography: The Pros & Cons of Each - AM Design Studio (
Are Printed Photographs Always Better Than Digital? - Photo Contest Insider
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