
Showing posts from September, 2022

Photography techniques and other terms

Aperture priority: Semi-automatic shooting mode Aspect ratio: the ratio of the width to the height of an image or screen. Chromatic aberration: a color distortion that creates an outline of unwanted color along the edges of objects in a photograph Bokeh: he visual quality of the out-of-focus areas of a photographic image, especially as rendered by a particular lens: Composition : Arrangement of the elements in your photo Crop factor:  ratio of the dimensions of a camera's imaging area compared to a reference format Image stabilization: family of techniques that reduce blurring associated with the motion of a camera or other imaging device during exposure Overexposure and underexposure: the result of too much light hitting the film or, in a digital camera, the sensor.  Post-production or post-processing: Post-production serves the meaning that- it is the work that we do after finishing our photography or shooting. Likewise, post-processing means the processes that will take pla...

Artist of the Week- Martin Chambi

1. How is the technical quality? The technical quality of the image is black & white with a vintage look. Both images have lots of details present even though the pictures arnt in color. The first image, the cultural   belongings  of the woman are very detailed considering  the fact that its taken with a old camera. The second image, is taken with lots of detail with a nice background . The Artist took the background  in consideration to make his image more appealing. 2. How’s the composition?  The composition of both images shows the women's stand out in the fist pic and the second image has the bell stand out with the beautiful view in the background.     3. What do you find interesting about his work?  I find the vintage  look he uses to take his pictures. The bell picture with  the background  is my favorite image from his collection cause it shows the bell with the background  in such good detail....

3 Black and White with Emphasis Projects

After  Before After  After

Artist of the Week - Henry Fox Talbot

  Artist of the Week - Henry Fox Talbot 1. How’s the  composition? Both the first and second pictures are in black and white. But every picture has a different composition. For instance, you can see how the texture is a little rough and how the image seems to disappear near the margins in the first image. Image 2 appears to have a consistent texture, but it also appears to have a pattern with flowers and leaves. Additionally, the pattern in image 2 is more clearly defined than the moon's form in image 1. 2. What do you find interesting about his work? It fascinates me how Talbot can bring a distinctive touch to a really straightforward photograph of an everyday object or pattern. For instance, Talbot accentuates the half moon in his photographs, despite the fact that it is a regular sight. 3. How is the technical quality   The quality of the first image is marginally inferior to that of the second. It seems a little more fuzzy. The second image, however, is considerably m...

Collage Elements of Art and principles of design


Principles of Design


Coke Can Bracketing

Coke can High Exposer Coke can Low Exposer Coke can Perfect Exposer (AUTO)  

Cubist Filters

 Before  After

Weekly Vocabulary

 Definition:  DPI - dots per inch, a measure of the resolution of printers, scanners, etc.  EXP: Dots Per linear Inch (DPI) is how fast the cursor on your screen moves when you use your mouse. Higher DPI means the mouse cursor moves fast er, and lower DPI means they move slower.  Definition :  PPI - measures the display resolution, or pixel density, of a computer monitor or screen. EXP: resolution capacity of a camera or scanner capturing an image. Definition: Metadata -  a set of data that describes and gives information about other data. EXP: metadata for a document might include a collection of information like the author, file size, the date the document was created, and keywords to describe the document.

Weekly Photography Challenge- Elements of Art

 My Pic (Before and After) Online Pic (Before and After)

Triangle of Exposure
