Artist of the Week - Henry Fox Talbot


Artist of the Week - Henry Fox Talbot

1. How’s the composition?

Both the first and second pictures are in black and white. But every picture has a different composition. For instance, you can see how the texture is a little rough and how the image seems to disappear near the margins in the first image. Image 2 appears to have a consistent texture, but it also appears to have a pattern with flowers and leaves. Additionally, the pattern in image 2 is more clearly defined than the moon's form in image 1.

2. What do you find interesting about his work?

It fascinates me how Talbot can bring a distinctive touch to a really straightforward photograph of an everyday object or pattern. For instance, Talbot accentuates the half moon in his photographs, despite the fact that it is a regular sight.

3. How is the technical quality 

The quality of the first image is marginally inferior to that of the second. It seems a little more fuzzy. The second image, however, is considerably more distinct and appears to be of superior quality.
