
Showing posts from January, 2023

Top 2 Tutorials

  Adjust light and color before  After Adjust the brightness of your photos before  after

Add effects and improve detail

Before After 1. Increase Cl arity : Cl arity is a great way of making details more visible in an image . To increase clarity , go to Filter > Other > High Pass . 2. Use the Smart Shar pen Filter : This filter helps to improve image detail in Photoshop by sharp ening the edges and removing any blur r iness . To access the Smart Shar pen Filter , go to Filter > Shar pen > Smart Shar pen . 3. Increase Contrast : Increasing the contrast of an image can also help to make details stand out more . To do this , go to Image > Adjust ments > Cur ves and adjust the input and output values . 4. Add a Layer Mask : Layer masks can help to selectively add detail to an image . To do this , create a new layer mask on the image and use the brush tool to selectively apply sharp ening or clarity . And for the image brightness 1 . Adjust the Bright ness /...

One Canvas 6 images Small World

  Before After Before After Before After

Weekly Photography Challenge -3 Panoramic Images


Small World Panorama

  San Fransico  India New York

Weekly Vocabulary

1 . Tele photo Lens : A lens with a long focal length that allows a photographer to take pictures from a distance . 2 . Ther m ographic Camera : A device that uses infrared radiation to detect and measure temperature variations in the environment and generate a thermal image . 3 . L ID AR : Light Detection and R anging ; a remote sensing technology that uses laser pulses to measure the distance between a sensor and objects in its environment . 4 . Fem to - Phot ography : A type of high - speed imaging technique that uses ultra - short pulse lasers to capture extreme detail in a scene . 5 . Elect rom agnetic Spectrum : The range of all possible wavelengths of electromagnetic radiation , from long radio waves to short gamma rays .