Add effects and improve detail



1. Increase Clarity: Clarity is a great way of making details more visible in an image. To increase clarity, go to Filter > Other > High Pass.

2. Use the Smart Sharpen Filter: This filter helps to improve image detail in Photoshop by sharpening the edges and removing any blurriness. To access the Smart Sharpen Filter, go to Filter > Sharpen > Smart Sharpen.

3. Increase Contrast: Increasing the contrast of an image can also help to make details stand out more. To do this, go to Image > Adjustments > Curves and adjust the input and output values.

4. Add a Layer Mask: Layer masks can help to selectively add detail to an image. To do this, create a new layer mask on the image and use the brush tool to selectively apply sharpening or clarity.

And for the image brightness

1. Adjust the Brightness/Contrast Levels: The easiest way to increase the brightness of an image is to adjust the brightness and contrast levels. To do this, select Image > Adjustments > Brightness/Contrast and adjust the sliders to the desired levels.
3. Use the Levels Adjustment: The Levels adjustment is similar to the Curves adjustment, but it can be used to make more precise adjustments to the brightness of an image. To use it, select Image > Adjustments > Levels and adjust the Input and Output levels.

4. Use the Exposure Adjustment: The Exposure adjustment is a more powerful tool than the Brightness/Contrast adjustment and can be used to make more subtle adjustments to the brightness of an image. To use it, select Image > Adjustments > Exposure and adjust the Exposure, Shadows, and Highlights sliders.
